do’s and don’ts

Reflect the feelings of your little one

One of the best things you can do as a parent is to REFLECT THE FEELINGS OF YOUR CHILD. Listen when they talk. Rejoice in their small victories. Hug often. Encourage always. Give praise and honor where/when it is due. And lastly, love unconditionally. Love conquers all. #theparentpal#iAdvocate #loveisthebestmedicine #actionsspeak    


Singing *Back to life. Back to reality* I’m back from seven amazing days on the water with family! We cruised to the Carribean and enjoyed every minute of Spring Break. In between stuffing my face and playing referee to sibling/cousin rivalries, I received a revelation. But first, let me tell the story. So I’m standing […]

Parent Pal Tip #334: Get Out!

Can I be transparent just for a moment? Do you mind? I’m gonna make myself vulnerable to you, the reader, if just but for a moment. Yesterday was an emotional day for me to say the least. Yep. I kinda fell into the “sunken place” of parenting. Ok. So here’s the story. I’m casually (and […]

It’s the Small Things….#beinvolved

This morning I called my son before school to lecture and remind him of a couple of assignments that were missing in Powerschool. Powerschool is a electronic portal available to parents to view grades and assignments. A much-needed tool for the transition to sixth grade. When I mentioned the two assignments, he had already had them […]

Overcoming my Kryptonite

Every superhero has a kryptonite and I’ve finally been able to pinpoint what mine is; I-N-T-E-R-N-A-L-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N. Is that a word? I’m not exactly sure. But what I’m trying to say is that I tend to internalize everything! No exaggeration. It’s just like the saying goes, “I am my own worst enemy.” Can you relate? Whenever I […]